Benefits of a Sunrise Hike
I saw this on another blog and thought it was great. I’m always one that enjoys getting up early for a sunrise hike on a ridge when I’m in the mountains and several hours walking on the beach.

If you want more details, go the original blog post here. Otherwise here is a list a few health benefits:
- A Feeling of Awe
- A Stronger Immune System
- Alleviates Depression
- Contributes To a Healthy Routine
- Gives Us a Big Picture Mentality
- Helps Us Lose Weight
- Improves Mood
- Inspires Awe
- Much Needed Time Not Looking at A Screen Or A Device
- Promotes Healthy Circadian Rhythm
- Provides A Better Night’s Sleep
- Puts Life into Perspective
- Reduces Inflammation
- Reduces Stress
- Restores Attention

Imagine that! Just by choosing to get up a little earlier you may feel better and I’ll add start out your day with a great outlook on life!! I love my morning walks and especially when I add my Jesus time (Holy Appointment) with my walk; there is nothing more powerful!!!!
I dare you to try it tomorrow morning, see what happens!!!! 😊 Let me know how it goes…..