Biblical Goal Setting
What are your goals for 2023 for you personally and your business? Have you thought about what you want to accomplish, where you want to go, who you want to serve? More importantly do you have these goals written down?
I have always been someone that is very goal orientated and have also always set very high goals. Starting on Thanksgiving I start making a dream list. I simply write down ideas in a non-formal list for things I’d like to do or become for the following year.
Because I’m not a fan of late night parties, every New Year’s Eve, this is the time I take to finalize my goals for the upcoming year. So, what that means, is I’d take that non-formal list (brainstorming ideas) then put them into SMART goals.
I’ve talked about SMART goals for many years and how to use them because I like this structured format of setting goals. They are briefly listed below so feel to use this format when setting your goals.
S – Specific (the more details the better)
M – Measurable (how you will determine whether you have achieved your goal)
A – Attainable (achievable, do you have the resources to reach this goal)
R – Relevant (rewarding, how does this tie into your life vision and purpose)
T – Time-bound (trackable, when will you start and finish this goal)
One of the things that I want to emphasize in this post is there is nothing wrong about having goals, however as believers we need to be careful about the way that we set the goals and how we proceed to reach these goals. Our focus needs to remain FIRST and for most on the Lord and not just on those goals (been there done that). This can be a challenge for those of us type A people!
First want to say that we need to have a vision. We need to have plans and listen to the Lord when he puts something on our hearts. I believe that it’s biblical to set goals, because there are several scriptures that talk about planning and being prepared.

However, for this coming new year I want to remind each of us where our MAIN focus should be….
We not only need to have plans or a vision, but we also need to write down these things. To me the scripture in Habakkuk 2:2 is saying write down your goals so that you have an idea where you are going, and you can focus on what you have written.

So, lets beak this down in a four simple steps.
- Seek first the Kingdom of God
- Align your goals with God’s Word
- Set goals based on YOUR specific calling
- Lean not on your own understanding
Seek first the Kingdom of God
First and foremost, seek God when writing out your plans, make sure that He is your CEO/manager/business partner. Not only when making the plans but when working on reaching the goals, make sure we are seeking His kingdom FIRST.

Align your goals with God’s Word
We are called to be different from the world, so setting our goals should be done differently than unbelievers, based on the Word of God. When you set a goal make sure that it aligns with the Word and that you are not violating any biblical truths. We are called to think different and do things differently. This doesn’t make us better than anyone else, just different.

Set goals based on YOUR specific calling
Be sure to build your business or set your goals based on YOUR specific calling. We are each called to do something totally different than someone, so there is NO room for comparison, because what your goals look like won’t be anything like anyone else. If you do something outside of the will of the Lord and/or our calling, it will be a waste of time and effort.

Lean not on your own understanding
This is a powerful scripture to memorize that will keep us out of all sorts of trouble. We want to trust in the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Totally leaving the growth of our business to the Lord, is another hard thing to do, especially for us doers! Now this doesn’t mean that we just sit back and do nothing, but we do want to have discernment on what actions we take and do for our business. We want to make sure we allow the Lord to guide our steps. Be in tune with the Holy Spirit leading you and be in the Word so you KNOW when the Lord is speaking to you.

There are so many more scriptures for business and life scattered all throughout the entire bible. Over the course of 2023 we will be learning much more, this is just the start!
If we were sent to an abandoned island and had to start all over and you could only take one book, I would want my bible. It really is our life guidebook IF we take the time to read it and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us.
To wrap this up, the Lord does promise to prosper us. This can mean financially, health, relationships etc. But please note that this applies ONLY if we are willing to do the work mentioned.
God is not Santa Claus, and we can just ask for something and then expect Him to give it to us. There is for the most part some sort of effort on our part that has to be done. (Except when the Lord says it’s a gift)
- Seek first the Kingdom of God
- Align your goals with God’s Word
- Set goals based on YOUR specific calling
- Lean not on your own understanding