12 Days of Christmas
I’ve always wondered about the meaning of this song, so I thought this was pretty cool, especially if it is true. This information was sent to us via the newsletter from Foundation Church.
There is a theory that during a time when Christians were punished for worshiping openly, The Twelve Days of Christmas song was used to secretly pass on the ideology of Christianity. Per this theory, each gift on the list symbolized a different aspect of the Christian faith.
1 Partridge in the Pear Tree is Jesus Christ

2 Turtle doves are the Old and New testaments

3 French hens are faith, hope, and love

4 calling birds are the four gospels/and or the four evangelists

5 golden rings are the first five books of the Old Testament

6 geese a laying are the six days of creation

7 swans a swimming are the gifts of the Holy Spirit

8 maids of a milking are the eight beatitudes

9 ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit

10 lords a leaping are the ten commandments

11 pipers piping are the elven faithful apostles

12 drummers drumming are the twelve points of doctrine in the apostle creed