Another Special Friend
On my way out of South Carolina I visited one of my special friends, Frances! Don’t mind our photos, they are awful, and we know it!! Frances was with us for our Friendsgiving but we didn’t get much time to talk. So a few days together was a must.

She went above and beyond as a super hostess and spoiled me, again making it hard to leave. Meaning, she cooked meals and served me like I was a special guest in her home! We got out to walk each morning in spite of the rain and gray skis. But one thing to remember, even though it didn’t look nice out it was warm and comfortable to be out walking!
We spent time power praying, having deep discussions, and solving the issues of being a solo woman! Well maybe we didn’t solve any issue, but we brainstormed about several topics 😊. There were two things she made that were really good. One was an amazing sausage that hopefully can find somewhere again and a stellar iced hazelnut coffee (darn didn’t take a picture)…Thank you Frances my dear friend, totally enjoyed and appreciated our time together.

Once back on the road, I made my way towards the east coast to find some beaches and head to Florida. My first night was still in South Carolina at Lake Aire RV Park and Campground. Sadly, it was raining the entire time so none of my own photos. Really liked this campground as most of the sites were on the ponds (not really a lake) and super quite; made note of a place to possibly visit again.