To My Solo Girlfriends
This is going be about a topic that isn’t discussed in most churches, most people won’t say anything, and for sure its way easier to go with the flow, then swim upstream.
Well, my dear sisters, as you know I’m not someone that just goes with the flow or can stand by when I see a friend going down the wrong path. I wouldn’t do it when we are on a hike and I for sure am not going to stay silent when it comes to your spiritual journey. We are not called to go with the flow or do whatever feels right or good at the time.
This post is for all my solo girlfriends who are believers because many of you are on my heart. If you are not a believer this does not apply to you… In this world where everything and anything is acceptable and we are all praised for doing whatever “feels right”, it’s a challenge sometimes to not get caught in that flow and not do the same things as everyone else is doing. Trust me my friends this is one of the hardest things that we are called to do as single women and as believers.
We are called to honor God in all that we do and say and to protect our bodies and mind with a man until we are married. This is a very hard issue to discuss and it’s even harder to live it out. However, it’s not old fashioned or out of date principle, it’s a biblical mandate because of the ripple effect it will have IF we are disobedient to this.

I’m not going to quote a zillion scriptures, go into a long sermon, or bash anyone. I simply want to remind each of us to dig into the Word of God about this topic, think wisely about our decisions, and ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance in this area of our lives.
I say this with a heavy heart from experience the serious consequences we may face and the ripple effect that this one decision can have on our lives and those around us.
We are called to be light and to be different which isn’t always easy or what we want to do, but IF we want to stay in obedience to the Lord remember this is just one more area that we will want to pay attention to.