Amazing Six Weeks
Part of the reason to writing this blog is to share more personal things and speak from my heart. So, this post may be a bit emotional for me…
To be honest don’t even know where to begin thanking my dear friends Trish and Dave. If you saw a few posts back my van had a little trouble when I was visiting these precious friends and subsequently ended up spending around six weeks with them.
I couldn’t have asked for more gracious and loving people to be with during these special weeks. At first it was a bit of a challenge for me to work through feelings of being a burden. I’ve been living solo for many years and not really used to being in people’s space or spending so much time with someone on a daily basis. But thank you Lord for having Wandering Wildflower decide to not work right in their driveway, because they are truly Godly people that know how to show love like I’ve never experienced before.
For the first time in my life, I was given permission to not have to do anything and they would still love me. It took me time to grasp that. Having the choleric personality and issues in my past I’ve never knew I could be accepted just for being me. Seriously, thought I had worked through this issue, I wrote the book!!

Believe this was another God wink to help me heal from so many losses and difficult times that I was still recovering from. We spent everyday cooking, went to church together, talked about world events, walking the doggie, swam in the pool, took walks, just doing life, and enjoyed the presence of being with very special people daily.
When it came to leave (as I needed to fly back to Colorado to help a friend) it was really hard, and I struggled with this transition. I’m so thankful for the time that I had with my precious friends. My prayer is that our friendship continues to blossom and grow.