Self Care
Hope you are enjoying your summer and getting outside for some fun. As business owners, sometimes we can be so focused that we lose track of time and before we know it it’s 3:00pm and we haven’t even got dressed, gone for a walk, or ate if we are working from home!! 😊 Anyone else relate to that?
Today we are going to talk about Self-Care, something very important for us women entrepreneurs to actively participate in. This is an interesting topic because many women don’t do well at this at all, and some overindulge!! I’m not going to focus on those that overindulge, because that’s totally up to them. However, I do want to talk to you girlfriend, you the one that works 24-7, you never take breaks, your business is running your life, and you certainly don’t take relaxing and rejuvenating vacations… because you are on your phone or computer, urgggh.

So, what the heck is Self-Care anyway, something fuzzy or whoo whoo? To me it’s taking care of ourself in ways that allows you to rest, regroup, rejuvenate, and refresh. This means taking care of YOU physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Personally, I think it includes all aspects of the life wheel, but we will start by focusing on these three areas.
I’m mentioning this topic of Self-Care because I’m not great at this either. I’m either doing too much of the physical or not at all, I don’t always eat right and sometimes I’m eating a full bag of ruffles and dip or a full tub of ice-cream. I’m focused and show up for my holy appointments or I miss it for weeks on end. I spend time with girlfriends daily or I go weeks without talking with anyone. Self-Care is something that we need to put in our time block, we actually need to physically schedule time for ourselves.

FOR ME PHYSICALLY it’s actively being outside (not sitting outside on my computer), with activities like hiking, biking, backpacking or kayaking. I become nonfunctional if I don’t continue to be active and feel healthy. Along with the physical self-care, I think our eating habits should also looked at. I don’t know about you, but as a solo woman most of the time I find it hard to eat healthy and I rarely feel like cooking anything for myself. Because I’m on the road, I want food that is quick and easy that doesn’t take any time to prepare. I do a lot of wraps with veggies, salad greens (spinach), hummus, guacamole ect. Or like I mentioned above I’ll be way off and eat an entire bag of chips. Not good, and something I for sure need to work on.
FOR YOU PHYSICALLY What is it for YOU? What do you do to take care of YOU physically? Is it getting a massage, taking a bath, or having a nice dinner, taking a hike, doing something extreme, or taking a nap?? Find what works for you, things rejuvenate you.
FOR ME EMOTIONALLY this is watching my thoughts and redirecting them. Making sure any wrong thoughts don’t take me down a negative rabbit hole to never never land. It’s also listening to or reading positive messages or books. For the most part I’m really good at this, but then at times I will watch mindless shows that do me no good.
FOR YOU EMOTIONALLY What is it for YOU? What do you do to take care of YOU emotionally? How do you feed your mind and thoughts?
FOR ME SPIRITUALLY I need to keep my holy appointment, my time with the Lord daily is critical or excuse my language, all hell breaks loose. I also need to spend time with other like-minded believers that can hold me accountable, and we can pray and study the word together. My bible study with my girlfriends to me is a priority and sometimes, it too takes a back seat for no good reason.
FOR YOU SPIRITUALLY What is it for YOU? What do you do to take care of YOU spiritually? How is your relationship with Jesus? Do you spend time in the word daily? Do you have a Holy Appointment?
Hey girlfriends, this post is a reminder for me as much as it is for you. Life gets in the way of consistency, so again this is another example why mastering that time blocking is critical.
Would love to hear from you – feel free to also email me at if you are not comfortable sharing your thoughts here.
Below is one of our wonderful hikes Willow Brook Loop, another one of my favorite hikes