God Winks
Whenever I visit a place that I love, it’s always hard to leave. My plans are to come back to Steamboat Lake at least for two weeks next year. I want to do some mountain biking and more extended hikes. Also, would love to explore a little bit of the lake with my kayak. The first thing that I did was put this on my calendar for January 2023 to make my reservation for this campground. (time block-making future reservations).
Oh, I forgot to mention the little God wink that occurred on Sunday. I was just coming off the trail from my hike that morning, when I connected with a woman looking for someone to water ski with them. At that moment I wasn’t interested in water skiing, but I was interested in getting out on the lake. As we talked more, I learned they just needed a third person in the boat to hold the flag when someone is down in the water. Well, I could certainly do that so that morning I got to spend around three or so hours out on the lake and met some amazing people, which made it a very special morning!
So how do you handle God winks or other things that come up during the day and your time chunks get messed up? Well, those tasks that I had planned during that boat ride were money making tasks, so I needed to get them done that day. I moved the blocks that I had placed during the time I was on the boat to a few hours later in the day. Because of that shift there was a bit of a sacrifice of something else and I didn’t have a chance to do another walk that evening.
As we continue the process on time chunking, using my hikes as an example. Hiking and being outside is important to me because if I’m not in the right frame of mind or have the right mindset I’m not going to be effective in doing anything else!
Your list and calendar is going to be different than mine and not something you need to compare with anyone else. So remember to create time blocks based on your life, your business, what works best for you, and what your business coach/consultant has advised you to do.
The best way to set yourself up is to do this weekly, preferably on a Sunday. Take an hour or so and make that list of what needs to be done that week. You should already have the list of daily tasks and other things that are important to you. Combine those lists and start putting these tasks on your calendar one chunk at a time.
Using my hiking as an example again. The time chunk each week/day will vary based on what else I have going on. Some days I can only fit in short 45 minutes walks, maybe two or three times throughout the day. Other days it may be longer hike or time chunk which could be around 4-5 hours, again this depends on my other time blocks that I need to put in that day.
Alright, that’s it on the time chunking, let me know what you think of time chunking; love it/hate it? How do you hope it will help you?
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
ps. Trying to decide if loading individual pictures or the slide show is best, what do you prefer?