Time Blocking
One of the business strategies that I’m working on is called time-blocking/time chunking whatever you want to call it. It’s a strategy that I believe when utilized to its fullest can help create the life and business that each of us personally want to have. Time blocking helps us take control of our time, which in turn helps us be in control of our business instead of allowing our business to run us into the ground. Over a few posts, I’ll share a some tips on how this works and how I personally apply it to my life and business.
I love getting up early in the morning because it gives me time for my Holy Appointment. My Holy Appointment is my time with the Lord, whether it be in prayer, reading the word, or taking a morning hike. There is nothing like being out in nature early morning and having the privilege to commune with God almighty! While at Steamboat Lake I had the opportunity to enjoy the sunrise on the lake, the flowers coming alive as the sun warmed them up, the geese and other wildlife doing their thing, and hiking a trail along the lake each morning. What a blessing… But, I may not be doing this IF I didn’t time block…

Like I mentioned above, I believe perfecting this one strategy can change our lives. So therefor, it’s something I want to become an expert at. I say that it can change our lives because if done correctly it can reduce stress, provide more freedom, helps us use our time productively, give us more time, and help us create more money in our businesses.
Ok, yes, I’m speaking to my women business owners, let me ask you a few questions: What types of things do you fill your day with? Do you feel 100% productive by the end of each day? (to be honest I don’t) Are you accomplishing the goals you have set for each month, week, and day? Have you even set goals? Do you plan out your week or days or are you literally flying by the fringes of your skirt?
What I have found is most entrepreneurs are very busy people and they bring on added stress in their business and life by not having a plan or strategy. You may hear them even say I don’t even have time to pee let alone plan something, jeepers Cathy really add planning in too!!!
Well, the good news is IF you take at least one hour each week to Time Block you will be amazed the difference it will make. Time Blocking/Time Chunk is exactly what the name applies. You literally create blocks or chunks of time for specific activities each and every day. For example, I mentioned my Holy Appointment and hikes, this on my calendar from 5am to 7am, one time chunk.
As a business owner there are very specific tasks we need to do to run, operate, maintain, and grow our business. So we need to “block out” specific times for very specific activities such as making sales calls, networking, following up with clients, or doing client work. Color code your blocks if you want to make things stand out.
I think the best way to start this process is listing out every single thing you do throughout the day. Then my dear business owners, go to your calendar and block out your money-making tasks. What directly makes you money should be the FIRST things placed on your calendar. Then the secondary must do items go into blocks on your calendar, then block out all the other items.
Be mindful as to not squeeze too many things into the that chunk of time. It should be ONE major thing or a few things that can be done simultaneously. Such as my walking and talking with God, my Holy Appointment.
Ok enough of this for now, start slow, give yourself grace, and simply start making a list of every single thing you do including brushing teeth, getting dressed, drive time etc. You would be amazed all the things we stuff into a day!!!
More photos of Steamboat State Park below