How To Use The Law Of Increasing Returns
FRIDAY Book Study: we will study this one power packed book throughout the year, each week diving into business, mindset, and personal development principles. Og Mandino’s University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book.
Please make sure you read and study this chapter, there are soooo many nuggets in each lesson, that I barely touch on all of them. CLICK HERE for the book in pdf format.
William Faulkner once lamented that the saddest thing in life is that the only thing we can do for eight hours a day, day after day, is work. We can’t eat for eight hours a day, or drink for eight hours a day, or make love for eight hours a day. All that we can do for that long a period, he said, is work, which is the reason man makes himself and everybody else so miserable and unhappy.
- Having little to show for your efforts, at the end of a hard day, produces frustration, exhaustion, and worse.
- Certainly a life of organization is usually a great deal more effective than one of chaos.
- Most of us could enhance our effectiveness with more organization.
- We all must organize to suit our own personality and the task at hand.
- As you plan your life, resist the temptation of becoming overly organized-it’s an effectiveness killer.
There are some good guidelines for organizing your life and your thoughts. If you practice these guidelines rather than a hard and fast rule, you will find they will aid you in getting the most from your time and effort
- GET THE PROPER TOOLS TO DO THE JOB: The difference between wise men and fools is often found in their choice of tools.
- ORGANIZE YOUR WORKSPACE: Organizing your workspace is largely a personal matter that depends on your own tastes and the job to be done.
- MASTER THE ART OF DESKMANSHIP: It’s a tool that expedites the receiving and processing of information and should be utilized with those objectives in mind.
- IMPROVE YOUR ABILITY TO CONCENTRATE: Concentration in any form is an amazing phenomenon. The ability to concentrate has enabled many men of modest capabilities to reach heights of success that have often eluded geniuses.
- IMPROVE YOUR FOLLOW-THROUGH: Somewhere along the line you must tackle the task and follow through to completion.
- IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY: Without a memory all of our learning would be useless. We would have to respond to every situation as if we had never experienced it.
- DEAL WITH TRIVIA IN BATCHES: All of us are plagued with a number of necessary minor tasks that must be done. Organize the tasks into batches and handle one batch at a time. Trivia sessions are an effective method of preventing the minor things in your life from hindering your accomplishment of major goals.
- PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGY: planning and goal setting are basically a process of decision making, and decision-making is problem solving. Organizing your approach to a problem puts you halfway toward solving it.
Michael LeBoeufne

Michael LeBoeuf, Ph.D. born in 1942, (Paradise Valley, AZ) is an internationally published author, and professional speaker. His eight books have sold almost two million copies, been translated into more than a dozen languages and adapted to produce 17 audio and video programs. He has been interviewed on hundreds of radio and television talk shows including “The CBS Evening News”, “Oprah,” and “Good Morning America.” For 20 years, Michael was a professor of management at the University of New Orleans, retiring as professor emeritus at age 47 in 1989. His books include: How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life, The Millionaire in You, Working Smart, The Perfect Business, The Greatest Management Principle in the World, and The Boglehead’s Guide to Investing
- I may read and record a portion of the chapter or just pick out a few nuggets each week. So, to really obtain the full benefit and get the most out of this book you may want to purchase your own copy, here is the link to Amazon
- Highlight, underline, star, mark up this book however you want with things that resonate with you.
- Take this study slowly and with intention, that’s why we are doing only ONE chapter each week, so we can ponder, think and study on this content until the next chapter.
- Do the chapters in order (all of these suggestions are from the author)