January 2020 Update
I have made a commitment to get up every morning at 4:00am to write or work on my book for at least 2-3 hours each day. I’ve loved the process of writing, doing the research, and seeing what this book will turn into. I’ve had to change my deadline because it’s changed a bit from what I originally thought it was going to be. Thought initially I was going to have ten chapters, with a scripture and a quote for each chapter, and be done in 90 days.
You never know what the Lord is going to do or what He has up His sleeve. Every day before I begin writing, I ask the Lord to give me guidance and the words to speak. In fact, on the top of each draft page is the text: Lord thank you for the words you are going to give me for this chapter/this week.
So, the focus and the direction of the book has changed a bit. The book now will now be a 52-Week devotional, with the quote and scripture at the top of each page, the content for each week will be no more than 900 words, weekly takeaway gems, and some action steps.
Once I knew there were going to be 52-weeks instead of 10 chapters, I needed to first update my outline, so I spent a few hours on a hike writing the new outline and potential topics and chapter names. At first it was overwhelming to see all these chapters, but each day I would just simply start writing and sometimes it wouldn’t fit into any of the chapters. When it didn’t fit, I’d let it sit for a few days and then I changed the outline to fit the chapter’s new name. Writing has been very fulfilling, and I’ve loved every single minute of it. My prayer is that the words are exactly what each woman needs to hear when she reads this book.
Needless to say, that is a lot more content than I originally thought it was going to be, so my deadline has been pushed out a few months. But, I’m even more excited about the direction this book is now going.

- MONDAY Power Words are a quick (hopefully) inspiring and maybe even transformational video based on one word
- WEDNESDAY Just for Fun can be anything that I found fun or interesting that doesn’t really fit under the other categories!!!
- THURSDAY Mindset are weekly messages about our mindset, tips on how to keep our mindset where it needs to be, scientific findings about our brain, and encouraging messages about our mindset!
- FRIDAY Book Study: we will study one book throughout the year, each week diving into business, mindset, and personal development principles.
- Business Tips are weekly tips from other entrepreneurs, tools that you can use, or any other business idea or concept that might help you and your business!